Page 1691 - Week 06 - Thursday, 13 August 1992

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Mr Wood: That is just what has happened.

MR HUMPHRIES: If that is the case, the Speaker would certainly decide that that was the case and put that motion. To pass this motion is to impugn the integrity and the judgment of our Speaker, and I believe that that is inappropriate. That is exactly what it is. You are taking from the Speaker's hand the right to make an assessment about that matter, and that is simply an imputation on the Speaker's integrity.

MR STEVENSON (4.37): I absolutely agree with the statement made by Mr Humphries.

Mr Berry: This is the giggling fool - I withdraw that - the person who broke down yesterday. He could not contain himself; he almost wet himself laughing about this legislation.

Mr Kaine: Madam Speaker, this is outrageous. Perhaps you were not listening to what the Minister had to say; but it really was disgraceful, and he should be asked to withdraw it.

Mr Berry: I withdrew.

MADAM SPEAKER: It was withdrawn.

Mr Kaine: Withdraw.

Mr Berry: Withdraw what?

Mr Kaine: What you have just said.

Mr Berry: I withdraw the word, or I did withdraw that.

Mrs Carnell: Withdraw the rest as well.

Mr Berry: No, I am not withdrawing the rest.

Mr Kaine: Madam Speaker, the Minister just said that he would not withdraw it.

Mr Berry: That is right; because it does not impute anything. This is the person who stood up giggling yesterday and almost wet himself. It is fact.

Mr Kaine: I think that is a disgraceful reflection on a member of this Assembly. Madam Speaker, I again ask that he be required to withdraw it.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Berry, you withdrew any imputation that was improper, did you not?

Mr Berry: Yes.

MR STEVENSON: Madam Speaker, to reduce the level of debate to personal attacks which reflect on every member of this Assembly who was laughing yesterday is unfortunate. I must admit that I found the remarks that were made by Mrs Grassby to be most humorous indeed. If she had not made them, I would

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