Page 1544 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 12 August 1992

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I will be releasing shortly a revised land development program which accommodates the policy we have established of half greenfields and half renewal. There is nothing new about that. That is the routine way that things have been done and will continue to be done. Mr Kaine on this occasion might pay some attention to that so that he is not caught short subsequently and does not find himself in a state of confusion. Mr Kaine made the outrageous statement that we are planning to bulldoze whole suburbs such as Ainslie. Nothing has been said that indicates that at all. Nothing at all that has been said should lead him to draw that conclusion.

Mr Kaine: Would you define urban renewal - what you mean by it?

MR WOOD: Urban renewal is very simple, if you had heard Mr Lamont. But, again, you are not in the listening mode. Urban renewal means that you should go out, for example, to North Canberra - the area generally north of this spot - and look at the shopping centres that are struggling to survive, look at the schools that are closing or struggling to survive with sufficient numbers, look at the underutilised bus services and all the infrastructure that is underutilised, and develop increased population densities to use that infrastructure properly.

Mr Kaine: You mean like West Belconnen?

MR WOOD: You raise the question of West Belconnen. The Kippax traders, as we know, are wanting something to revitalise their centre. That may happen, or it may not happen; but we are going through - - -

Mr Kaine: Under this Government it will not.

MR WOOD: You were talking yesterday, I think it was, about consultation. We are going through the proper planning processes on West Belconnen, on areas B and C.

Mr Kaine: Whom are you consulting with?

MR WOOD: It has been out there since the first Follett Government, Mr Kaine. It has gone through the whole process - - -

Mr Kaine: You have not done any consulting with the Kippax traders.

MR WOOD: There again, switch on to the debate and you might know what is happening. The people out there know what is happening, because they made hundreds of submissions about it. They know what is going on. During the election campaign I knew what was going on. But Mr Kaine, it seems, is the only one who does not know what is happening.

Mr Kaine: I know exactly what is going on. You have cancelled two-thirds of the West Belconnen development - and you talk about urban renewal.

MR WOOD: Because we were listening to people. There are still areas out there under planning consideration. By September I think we will be in a position to announce how that area might go. But I suggest to you that you switch on to the debate. You raised the question of the Kingston foreshore. It is not an area that is receiving no attention. A number of planning proposals concerning that area of the lake are under consideration and being worked through.

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