Page 1543 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 12 August 1992

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MR WOOD: I very carefully answered that question yesterday, and you simply did not attend to it. Your other comments here indicate that you are not switched on to this important debate. I do not think you would have made such outrageous statements if you had been attending more carefully to what the Government is saying. Let me reiterate what I said yesterday about the building better cities program and the proposal we have put to the Federal Government. Mr Kaine just said again, as he did in an earlier media statement, "Where is the money coming from?". We have sought $13.7m from the Federal Government. Our own agencies - ACTEW, DELP and the Housing Trust - will provide money.

Mr Kaine: How much?

MR WOOD: Eleven million dollars.

Mr De Domenico: Is that the total from the three?

MR WOOD: From those.

Mr De Domenico: Have you got a breakdown?

MR WOOD: The bulk of the money, $40m to $50m, will come from the private sector. I said that yesterday.

Mr Kaine: And I ask you again: Have you asked them whether they are going to put it in?

MR WOOD: I made it very clear to you that we do not have any trouble - - -

Mr Kaine: And you will not answer that either.

MR WOOD: He has suddenly remembered that this was on the agenda yesterday. We would have no trouble at all in having the private sector come in with us on this proposal. But let us first get the approval from the Federal Government. Let us get that out of the way. Mr Kaine asks where our program is. It is on the public record that we have a policy of half greenfields development and half urban renewal. It is on the public record; it has been printed; it has been published; it has been said. There is nothing new about that, but he did not seem to know about it. In about February this year - I will find out precisely for you and give you the information - I released, as a matter of course, as has always happened, the land development program. That is the list of the land we propose to develop in the next year.

Mr Kaine: That was another election promise, was it?

MR WOOD: That was in February. I think it was after the election, Mr Kaine; but I will find out precisely for you. It was after the election. We listed the particular pieces of land that would be available to fill our present need of about 3,500 new housing starts every year. Since that time we have revised that policy to a half greenfields and half renewal proposal. In accordance with that, I am about to release a revision of that land development program, as we routinely do. We will be doing it particularly to advise the building industry so that they have confidence, they know what the future holds for them and they can do some preliminary planning on what they might like to bid for where they see new development going on.

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