Page 1373 - Week 05 - Thursday, 25 June 1992

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(f) Having regard to the functions of the position,

-staff with the relevant background and experience within the Department of Environment, Land and Planning were canvassed. in August 1991. As no one indicated, an interest in the position, Mr Conway was approached to act in the.position.

(g) Referee (c) .

(3) Yes

(a) ,To provide advice to the Secretary of the Office of Sport. and Recreation .and me in my capacity as Minister for Sport.

(b) The cost of. Mr Convoys attendance was $1707:50 and was met by the Department of Environment,

Land and Planning

Act The Secretary of the Office of Sport and

Recreation and Mr Convey attended

(d) The cost of the Secretarys attendance was $1707.50

(e) I made a statement in the Assembly on 21 May on the Racing Ministers Conference which details the importance of the Conference to the ACT and listed follow up actions which are.currently being undertakers by the Offices Sport and Recreation including.: .

investigation of the suitability of the ACT TAB introducing a multi choice betting game.

discussions with the ACT Law Office on legislation regarding SP bookmaking.

discussions with the ACT Racing Industry with. regard to the percentage of TAB turnover paid, to the ACT Government.

( f) One

(.g) Yes. .

.(h) Consistentwith his duties outlined. in 2(c)

(4) Yes

(a) Mr Conway.represented the ACT consistent with his duties as outlined in 2(c)

(b) . No . .


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