Page 1372 - Week 05 - Thursday, 25 June 1992

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(4) Did Mr Conway represent the ACT Government at the

recent sports administrators conference at the Gold.

Coast, if so, (a)..what was. the nature of this

representation; (b) did he present a.paper at this

conference; (c), what was the cost of his: attending .

this.conference and which departmental or program

budget bore the .costs;.(.d) how many-officers. from

the Office of Sport, Recreation and Racing-attended

this conference, by position and tithe; and (e).if

he did not officially represent thecas Government

in what capacity did he attend this.conference.

Mr Berry - the answer to the Members,Questions are follows:

(1) (a), (b), (C) The delegate was informed by. the ..

Secretary of the Office of.,Sportand Recreation.

-that Mr Conways position was not part. of the

formal structure of the Office in that he

reported direct to the Secretary rather than

through the normal Divisionalstructure. His. position was not.described at.any time. as ^informalĀ°.

. . (2). (a)Mr Conway is a substantive:Senior-Offi.cer

Grade B .

(b) He is currently. acting as a.Senior Executive.

Service Officer Band l . ..

(c) The principal tasks of the position are to:.

develop and facilitate liaison arrangements.

with sport and recreation organisations in the

ACT; including-consultation concerning the.

the ACT Sports -,Council;

promote and marketplaces and recreation activities; and

ensure maintenance of close links.. between the

Government and the racing industry ;

Mr Conways title is.Acting Assistant Secretary

(d) Mr Conway has the. normal salary and benefits of.

a SES Band 1 Officer. His annual. salary is.

$.59121. . . .

(e.) Mr Conway commenced-acting in the position on

. 2 September 1991 and the position will be

reviewed-in the context. of consideration of the

. recent review of the Office of,.Sport and.

Recreation. :1372.

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