Page 1139 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 23 June 1992

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book is also used to facilitate the transfer of responsibility from one shift to the next.

(11) When a staff position becomes vacant the normal Public service recruitment procedures are followed for the purpose of recruiting new staff.

(12) If the vacancy period is likely to be more than one calendar month and under 2 months the most efficient available officer would be offered higher duties. If the vacancy is likely to be more than 2 months then expressions of interest are invited from the staff of all other residential facilities and interviews are held. This action is taken as an interim measure.

(13) Yes, a communication book is used in all IDS residential facilities.

(14) Staff are instructed and reminded of the necessity to use the communication book. It is the responsibility of the House Manager to ensure that the communication book is used correctly by staff. The communication book is one of a variety of mechanisms used to ensure that information on residents is appropriately recorded. A written report is also completed on each client at the end of each shift.

(15) All IDS staff are made aware of their obligation to maintain confidentiality at all times. This subject is covered in the orientation course conducted by IDS.

(16) No IDS staff member is allowed to dispense medication. At most residential facilities IDS staff are responsible for administering medication to clients. However, at Chapman Hostel the IDP nurse is responsible for administering medication.

(17) Only a pharmacist is qualified to dispense medication. IDS staff are not required to hold a qualification to administer medication.


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