Page 1138 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 23 June 1992

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above. The GS02 housekeeping position no

longer exists because it has been subsumed into

the Developmental Service Officer structure and

has been reclassified to a GSO4. The

staff:resident ratio has increased.

(5) Since implementation of the Developmental Service Officer career structure in August 1990 the following circumstances apply to IDS employment of staff. Officers employed in the General Service Officer (GSO) stream should have sufficient relevant experience to undertake the duties required. Officers employed in the Technical Officer (TO) stream at the TO1 level are expected to obtain the Advanced Certificate in Community and Special Care. Officers employed at the T02, TO3 and T04 levels are expected to obtain the Associate Diploma in Community and Special Care.

(6) There is no requirement for staff to have a First Aid certificate. Nevertheless, First Aid is a component of the Community and Special Care Course and is a desirable qualification.

(7) No, not all staff have First Aid certificates. Approximately 50% of staff employed at Chapman Hostel hold a First Aid certificate.

(8) Although approximately 50% of IDS staff employed at Chapman Hostel possess a First Aid certificate, there is no requirement for them to do so. Nevertheless, nursing staff are available to the residents of Chapman Hostel 24 hours per day in view of the high health support needs of residents.

(9) IDS employs a staff development officer whose responsibility is to meet the training needs of IDS direct-care staff. Training is provided in such areas as: orientation; behaviour management; conflict resolution; passive selfdefence; epilepsy management; medication administration, etc.

(10) At the commencement and conclusion of each shift, it is the responsibility of the senior staff member on duty to hand over to the incoming senior person. The handover period generally lasts about an hour. A communication


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