Page 886 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 16 June 1992

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Mr De Domenico: The ones that you were prepared to table before. I incorrectly asked you to table them at the time you were speaking. I should have asked you after you had finished speaking. When I asked you to table them whilst you were speaking, I was incorrect.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr De Domenico, would you address your comments to the Chair, please.

Mr De Domenico: I am sorry, Madam Speaker.

MR LAMONT: I do not have those documents with me at the moment, Madam Speaker.

Mr Humphries: You have already tabled them, have you not?

MR LAMONT: I am sorry; I have not tabled them. They have not been tabled.

Mr De Domenico: Where are they?

MR LAMONT: They are certainly not here.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

MADAM SPEAKER: At the appropriate point those papers will be tabled. Can you produce the papers, Mr Lamont? The Assembly has just ordered you to table them.

Mr Lamont: Madam Speaker, when I retrieve them I will certainly table them. I had not realised that I was required to do so now.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Lamont.

Clauses agreed to.

Clause 4

Amendment (by Mr Lamont) proposed:

Page 4, line 23, after the definition of "private trapping permit", insert the following definition:

"prohibited circus animal" means -

(a) a primate;

(b) a bear, cheetah, elephant, giraffe, leopard, lion, puma or tiger; or

(c) an animal prescribed under section 51A;".

Debate (on motion by Mr Moore) adjourned.

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