Page 885 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 16 June 1992

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is the key issue. Obviously, when you prepare legislation you make certain claims, you have to do certain things, and then inevitably there are penalties imposed if there are breaches. We want to proceed by education. It is the same with our dog control legislation. We want to proceed to educate the people who have anything to do with animals. We want - as I said when I began this speech - to change perceptions, mine included, about the way people deal with their animals. It is that responsibility, Ms Szuty, that you mentioned. It is the education that is so important.

Madam Speaker, I think that in general the Assembly welcomes this Bill and will accept it. I thank members for their comments. I also thank the committee that produced the policy document and the people in the departments who produced the legislation. It was no easy drafting exercise, but they worked hard and long to produce this legislation. I think they have done a fine job, and it is up to the Assembly now to enact the legislation.

Mr Moore: You did not mention gin traps.

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, I can tell Mr Moore that, on the advice of the Conservator of Wildlife, another name for a gin trap is a steel-jawed trap.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Clauses 1 to 3, by leave, taken together

Mr De Domenico: Madam Speaker, I rise on a point of order. I recall that before, when Mr Lamont was speaking, I incorrectly at that time asked him to table the documents he was reading from. After Mr Lamont finished his speech, I failed to stand up and ask under standing order 213 that he table those documents.

MADAM SPEAKER: You now have to move a motion that those papers be tabled.

Motion (by Mr De Domenico) proposed:

That the documents quoted from by Mr Lamont be tabled.

MR LAMONT (10.35): Madam Speaker, I am not quite sure what Mr De Domenico is trying to do. The documents I currently have before me are - - -

Mr Kaine: No, the ones that you had before.

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