Page 786 - Week 03 - Thursday, 21 May 1992

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(b) Estimates of patronage, revenue and market share.

(c) Discussion of operational issues.

6. Identify the thresholds of demand (in terms of transport needs, urban densities and population size) and the likely timetable for the viable introduction of each acceptable public transport technology alternative.

7. Based on the above analysis, recommend the most suitable technology for implementation.

Stave Three - to be completed within 3 months of approval to proceed

How could a new public transport system be implemented?

8. Address the issues of implementation of a new public transport system, recognising the constraints imposed by funding and existing infrastructure.

(a) Identify measures to integrate the new system with existing bus based feeder services, car park and ride facilities, taxi facilities, walk and cycle access, cycle parking and cycle carry on facilities.

(b) Identify possible staging options, for example dedicated bus ways prior to a light rail system.

(c) Address corporate structure, staffing and industrial issues with respect to the efficient and smooth operation of the proposed system and its relationship with existing public and private transport systems.

9. Identify the land use and development implications of each stage of the introduction of the preferred technology, including the potential for value capture and private sector involvement in direct funding of the system or in developments in association with station facilities, eg utilisation of air rights above stations and interchanges.


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