Page 785 - Week 03 - Thursday, 21 May 1992

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Stage One - to be completed by July 1992

What public transport options are suitable for Canberra?

1. Undertake a short review of existing ACT and Federal Government policies and previous studies which could impact on this study.

2. Identify all alternative and realistic existing tried and tested public transport technologies.

(a) Define their strengths and weaknesses in the Canberra context.

(b) Relate the technologies to Canberra, taking account of the existing urban form, National Capital and

Territory Plans, existing transport strategies,.

funding resources and levels of economic

development, environmental considerations, Federal

Government Greenhouse gas targets and the ability to

divert commuters from private cars to public


3. (a) Identify those technologies which show the most promise for Canberra and which could be the subject of further study.

(b) Identify indicative costs to put in place the technologies identified in 3(a).

4. Identify financing options that might be adopted to maximise private sector involvement in direct funding of the system.

(a) Discuss successful measures used elsewhere in Australia and overseas

(b) Relate these options to the specific ACT situation, such as leasehold land administration.

Stage Two - to be completed r this 4 months after aWroval to proceed

What is needed to make the alternative public transport technologies viable?

5. Provide the following detailed information for each suggested technology:

(a) Capital and recurrent costings, including implications for existing public transport services, capital works and recurrent road funding.


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