Page 225 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 12 May 1992

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the field at 7 per cent. The 6 per cent rate used to apply to the smaller businesses at the bottom end of the scale. At the same time as I eliminated the 6 per cent rate I also lifted the threshold from $432,000 to $500,000 a year. That had the effect of taking the payroll burden off a lot of small companies in this city.

It is just as true for me to say that I reduced the payroll tax from 8 per cent to 7 per cent as it is for the Chief Minister to say that I increased it from 6 per cent to 7 per cent. I think it is a gross misrepresentation. It has been put forward by the Chief Minister on a number of occasions, and I think it ought to be on the record that what she says is simply not true.

While I am on my feet, Madam Speaker, I would also like to make a statement on another matter, under standing order 46.

Mr Berry: On a point of order: There have been two strong imputations that the Chief Minister has knowingly made untrue statements. That is completely out of order, and the Leader of the Opposition should be called upon to withdraw those imputations.

Mr De Domenico: On a point of order, Madam Speaker: On the same point of order or the same request, I believe that first of all the Chief Minister should be asked to withdraw her imputations made about Mr Kaine.

MR KAINE: Madam Speaker, I am not asking that the matter be withdrawn. I have made my explanation; it is on the public record. It refutes what the Chief Minister says.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Kaine, did I hear you say that they were not meant to be imputations in your response?

MR KAINE: I simply said that the Chief Minister knows that what she said is not true. I did not increase payroll tax from 6 per cent to 7 per cent; that is a fact.

Mr Berry: There is a clear imputation that the Chief Minister has knowingly made an untrue statement to the Assembly.

MR KAINE: She has indeed, and I am putting it on record to that effect.

Mr Berry: I would ask, Madam Speaker, that you call upon the Leader of the Opposition to withdraw that imputation.

MADAM SPEAKER: I believe that you should withdraw that statement, Mr Kaine - not your personal explanation as to how you see matters, but your statement that Ms Follett has made an untrue statement.

MR KAINE: Madam Speaker, I assert that what the Chief Minister says is not true. Whether she is saying it knowingly or unknowingly, I do not know. But she has made a statement twice today - and she has made it before - which is not true. My comment on that matter is on the record. The Chief Minister can take the chips as they fall. She can either impute some ulterior motive to herself or not as she sees fit. I am not attributing anything. I am simply saying that what she says is not true, and I have refuted it.

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