Page 6103 - Week 18 - Thursday, 12 December 1991

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secretariat, who worked very hard on this report and on getting it together. We had a very short time. I still think that I should have seen the final report before I saw the tape on WIN News tonight, which virtually says exactly what is in the report. I find this wrong.

There should have been a meeting. I think we should have been told about this before it was taken to the press. I also understand that Jodie Brough of the Canberra Times has a copy of the report. I understand from the secretariat that it is not the one that is to be tabled now. Obviously, it is a copy of the report that I got on my desk this morning and that was finalised at 11.30, with the changes in it which then had to be printed up. I believe the secretariat, in that they would not have had the report that is going to be tabled now. But I do not think that the Canberra Times, whether it is too late for them or not, should have had a copy of that report. I find that incredible.

It did not come from my office. Both reports of mine were locked away. The one this morning was gone through for the changes and was locked in the same cabinet that the Cabinet papers are locked in. So, it certainly did not come from my office.

I do not know whether it came from Dr Kinloch's office. It is up to Dr Kinloch to say that; I do not know. It definitely did not come out of mine. I think it is very serious that the Canberra Times had it before I saw the final report.

DR KINLOCH (7.07): Mr Speaker, I have a draft of the report as of 11.30 pm.

Mr Collaery: 11.30 am.

DR KINLOCH: I am sorry. Actually, it does say "pm", but it was "am". I want to say this in response to something Mr Berry said: I do not believe that this report is a bucketing of Mr Berry at all.

Mr Berry: I did not say that. I said that you were entitled to bucket me.

DR KINLOCH: I see. Okay; I accept that. There has been an attempt to get this all day. People have been working very hard upstairs to try to get it. We did have the one before the printed one at 11.30.

Mr Collaery: But did you give it out?

DR KINLOCH: No, no, no; I did not. No, I did not give it out.

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