Page 6102 - Week 18 - Thursday, 12 December 1991

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Standing order 241 shall not apply to: ...

(b) any press release or public statement made by the Presiding Member of a committee relating to an inquiry;

Mr Berry: Not the report.

MR HUMPHRIES: Well, it does not say that. I am not saying that this is the case; but, if I had released the report attached to a press release, under that standing order I would be protected.

Mr Connolly: No, you would be in breach.

MR HUMPHRIES: That is not what it says, Mr Speaker. It says "any press release or public statement made by the Presiding Member". I have not released to WIN News the press release or the report of the committee. I think that Mr Berry should be well aware of the fact that he can make all sorts of statements, and he usually does in this place, without any justification, and in this case it is about - - -

Mr Berry: I have the evidence. I will show you the tape. Craig Duby has seen it.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, the fact that WIN News has information about the report proves - - -

Mr Connolly: It has you - - -

MR HUMPHRIES: Yes, I know. I spoke to them. I gave them information about the work that our committee had done. I gave them that information. I concede that openly. They were aware of the fact that the report would be coming down this afternoon. They were not able to be in the Assembly at the time it came down and, therefore, asked me to make some comments. I am entitled to do that. I am entitled, under standing order 242, to do that. If you think otherwise, I think you should take the appropriate steps on the next sitting day.

The fact of life, Mr Speaker, is that I do not believe that I have breached any standing orders and I believe that it is important for this Assembly to see this report. This is what the Assembly really wants to see, not Mr Berry's diversionary tactics - tactics that are designed to take the heat away from the Government because of the release of this report.

MRS GRASSBY (7.05): Mr Speaker, I do find it incredible. I have not seen the final copy of the report; yet I have seen the tape on WIN News and it does say exactly what is in the report. I do not know why Dr Kinloch and I would be bothered to be on a committee if we did not see the final draft or the final report. I got a draft this morning, which I gather was worked on until 6.30. I commend the

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