Page 5891 - Week 18 - Wednesday, 11 December 1991

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done a terrible thing in saying that Canberra is the porn capital while at the same time not doing anything about their own laws, and this will force them into some kind of action. Mr Collaery has this great conspiracy theory and a strategy all worked out so that everybody is going to feel embarrassed about it.

The trouble with it is that it breaches this basic principle of how we make our laws, which Mr Connolly has spoken about. At least with Mr Stevenson's amendment it is quite clear what he is talking about. It is quite clear that he is trying to ban X-rated movies, and it is a responsible way to deal with it in the ACT. I disagree with him, as I have said on many occasions. Since Mr Stevenson has not repeated those arguments, I shall not either. At least this is a straightforward way of dealing with things, instead of this weird, convoluted idea of Mr Collaery's, which fits into his standard modus operandi.

Question put:

That the amendments (Mr Stevenson's) to the amendments be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 5  NOES, 12 

Mr Humphries Mr Berry
Mr Kaine Mr Collaery
Mr Prowse Mr Connolly
Mr Stefaniak Mr Duby
Mr Stevenson Ms Follett
 Mrs Grassby
 Mr Jensen
 Dr Kinloch
 Ms Maher
 Mr Moore
 Mrs Nolan
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

MR SPEAKER: The question now is: That Mr Collaery's amendments be agreed to.

MR STEVENSON (12.16): I would like to speak very briefly on the matter. I do not need to mention why X-rated videos should be banned or how strongly I have worked to achieve that. However, I will not introduce false principles of law to do that. I do not think the means justify the end in this case.

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