Page 5686 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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Clause 196

Amendment (by Mr Wood) agreed to:

Page 92, line 7, subclause 196(1), omit "Territory".

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 197 agreed to.

Clause 198

MR JENSEN (4.16): I move:

Page 92, lines 16 to 18, subclause 198(1), omit the subclause, substitute the following subclauses:

"(1) Where, at any time before a draft Plan of Management is approved under paragraph 202(a), the Conservator requests the Minister to arrange for an Assessment to be made or an Inquiry to be conducted, about any aspect of the draft Plan, the Minister shall -

(a) direct that an assessment be made; or

(b) establish a panel to conduct the inquiry;

whichever the Minister considers appropriate.

(1A) The Minister may, at any time before a draft Plan of Management is approved under paragraph 202(a) -

(a) direct that an assessment be made; or

(b) establish a panel to conduct an Inquiry about any aspect of this draft Plan.".

Basically, what we are doing here is providing some flexibility for the Minister while still requiring him to take certain action when he receives a request from the Conservator to initiate an assessment or an inquiry.

The point that I want to make very briefly is that the Conservator is a statutory officer who is appointed under the Nature Conservation Act and who has certain statutory responsibilities in relation to the protection of nature in the ACT. When a statutory officer such as the Conservator requests of the Minister that an assessment or an inquiry

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