Page 5679 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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This issue is about getting on with the business in this house. Members have already been informed that we do not wish to repudiate the earlier position that has been taken by the Government and a range of other members. It is inconvenient for this Assembly to say to the staff of this place that we should sit into the early hours of the morning, as has been suggested by Mr Moore. It is a silly position - - -

Mrs Nolan: It costs money.

MR BERRY: Aside from it costing money, it is a silly amendment and it should not be sprung on people at short notice like this. This motion is about getting the Bill dealt with, and getting it dealt with quickly. Members have not shown a willingness to deal with this issue quickly up until this point. We have had four days of sitting on this issue. That is unprecedented, and there has been tedious repetition on many of the issues.

Mr Moore: There has not.

MR BERRY: I heard you in one speech this morning say the same thing four times, Mr Moore; so let us not kid ourselves. I think this motion warrants the support of the house. We will be opposing the amendments.

MR SPEAKER: Members, unless leave is granted to do otherwise, the debate on this issue is closed. Do you wish to seek leave, Mr Jensen?

Mr Jensen: Yes, Mr Speaker.

Leave not granted.

Mr Jensen: I was just about to move an amendment to the motion. Am I allowed to move an amendment to the motion or not?

MR SPEAKER: No, not without leave.

Mr Jensen: Hang on, Mr Speaker. There is a motion before this Assembly. I would have thought it is appropriate to be able to amend a motion like this.

Mr Connolly: If you want to debate the Bill, let us get on and debate the Bill.

Mr Jensen: No, I want to amend the motion. I want to put a sensible time limit on it. That is what I want to do. Frankly, I think Mr Moore's amendments are not sensible and I was proposing to put a sensible time limit on it; but, if the members do not want to hear it, fine.

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