Page 5678 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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Mr Collaery: I would take care, Wayne. You might not be around in two days. I would take a lot of care.

Mr Connolly: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. There is some muttering from the back there - "Mr Berry, you might not be around in two days; just take care. Take a lot of care". This is extraordinary.

MR SPEAKER: Come on, Mr Connolly, let us get on with it. Please choose your words carefully, members.

MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister) (3.48): Mr Speaker, the word "recommendation" in clause 2(b) of the motion I moved should read "reconsideration". Mr Speaker, I seek leave to alter the wording.

Leave granted.

MR BERRY: This issue arises because of legislation on the run. A mound of amendments have been passed and altered during the course of debate on this issue. Members have been informed by the Government as early as this morning that we are keen to get through this business today, by 7 o'clock. We have agreed with all members that we will conclude the business in this chamber by 7 o'clock today.

Mr Moore: That is a lie.

MR BERRY: It is an agreement that I intend to stick to, even if Mr Moore does not.

Mr Moore: It is a lie.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Moore, I would ask you to withdraw that.

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, he has just claimed that he has agreement from all members. Quite clearly, he does not have agreement from all members. I withdraw saying "a lie".

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Yes, Dr Kinloch?

Dr Kinloch: Mr Speaker, he certainly did not have my agreement on that matter.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Dr Kinloch! Mr Berry is closing the debate.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, I did circulate a letter which was the result of a government business meeting which demonstrated a general agreement to the extension of sitting times to 7 o'clock. If members now want to repudiate any position that they had in the past, let them rise and do so. But certainly my understanding was that there was no difficulty with stretching the sitting time out to 7 o'clock.

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