Page 5576 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 4 December 1991

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MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (5.21): The Government opposes this, on the grounds that it is putting into a schedule matters that need not be there, and it is particularly inappropriate in this circumstance. I know that it reflects Mr Jensen's desire, perhaps based on his experience, although I am not sure that it is soundly based, and his wish to tie everything down rigidly.

To attempt by the proposed schedule to predict the matters to be addressed in a preliminary assessment takes away the project-specific assessment criteria that exist in the current clause and in all other legislation. The amendment takes away, inevitably, flexibility in assessment. I do not think this is in the interests of the community, who would benefit from a concise and precise preliminary assessment focused on the potential impact of a proposal. I will be accommodating the concerns of Mr Jensen, I think, when I issue administrative guides to people who need to know these things.

MR KAINE (Leader of the Opposition) (5.23): This is the third of the schedules Mr Jensen is proposing to add. I have no objection to this one. At the top it says, "This is merely a format". I do not mind prescribing a format in a Bill, as long as it goes no further than that. It is not all that prescriptive and, as a format for a preliminary assessment, I think it is acceptable. I support it.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (5.24): I still argue that it is unnecessary. I will be issuing the guidelines and they will do the job.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 115 agreed to.

Clause 116

MR JENSEN (5.25): I have already spoken on the issue of purchase and I will not labour the point. I move:

Page 53, line 34, subclause 116(1), omit "and purchase".

Amendment negatived.

MR MOORE (5.26): I move:

Page 54, lines 1 to 3, subclause 116(2), omit the subclause, substitute the following subclause:

"(2) A proponent who has published a notice pursuant to subsection (1) shall -

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