Page 5575 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 4 December 1991

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clauses that say what is going to be prescribed. That is the problem and that is the concern that commentators have in relation to environmental assessment processes. I think it would behove the Minister, and enable me, Mr Kaine and others in the community to sleep a little easier at night, to provide a better schedule of information to guide us in that area.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (5.17): Yes, I will do that. I do not think I will do it by way of determination, Mr Jensen. That is probably not the way to proceed. I will issue a media statement - I do not know how much the media will run that; it is probably a bit exotic for them - indicating that I will be guided by the - - -

Mr Jensen: A statement in the Assembly will do.

MR WOOD: All right. I may do it here. We will make that quite clear.

Amendment negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 114

MR JENSEN (5.19): I move:

Page 53, line 20, omit all the words after "of", substitute "the matters specified in Schedule 1C".

This amendment deals with the information that should go into a preliminary assessment. The information on which this document was based, which is schedule 1C, has come from a National Capital Development Commission document and is currently used in conjunction with the preparation of preliminary assessments. The only addition I have made, on advice, is clause 3.3, to provide for information on the potential impact on the non-human biological environment. That is the only addition that has been made to that document, with the exception of things such as "ACT Government or authority or agency".

Once again, this is an important document because it provides the headings for what should go into a preliminary assessment. It provides a basis on which preliminary assessments can be referenced by groups and organisations. Mr Wood no doubt heard last night at a meeting we attended some criticism of the environmental impact assessment that was made on the West Belconnen project. I think it is appropriate to ensure that all the information in relation to preliminary assessments is quite clearly identified. I commend the amendment to the Assembly. I do not think there is any point in labouring the issue further.

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