Page 5500 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 4 December 1991

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MR COLLAERY (11.58), by leave: I simply want to stress that we are not prepared to introduce one part of our policy without the interconnected plank. Given a couple more weeks, we could have done it. If Mr Moore pushes this to a vote, he is the author of his own misfortune. He knows what is required and he somehow wants us to draw the amendments, although he desperately wants to get this reform through.

If he adjourns the debate, we will have a shot at it. He is wrong about occupational health and safety, and that requires another meeting and some other explanations. The Liberal leader is also wrong about that. Those complications were mentioned in a blithe manner.

The fact is that you are trying to create the New South Wales situation which, on the evidence of all the informed observers in New South Wales, has not worked. Much of Mr Moore's sentiment none of us could disagree with. If Mr Kaine wants to make an opportunistic dig at the Rally and a personal one at me about the logic of our argument, that is his business. If he wants to trade that way, he can. I am not going to respond. If the Liberals want to support this half reform, they can.

I agree with Mr Moore that decriminalisation is very important. Mr Moore knows that I was the prime mover in the reference for the creation of his own committee. I drafted the terms of reference of his committee up in the Rally room and I nominated Mr Moore when he was in the Rally to take this committee. Let us get that straight.

Mr Berry: A good choice, too, Bernard; a great choice.

MR COLLAERY: It was a good choice.

Mr Moore: That is a lie.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Jensen): Order! Mr Moore, I request that you withdraw that interjection.

Mr Moore: I withdraw the word "lie" about the untruths that Mr Collaery has been speaking.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Moore, I request that you withdraw unqualifiedly.

Mr Moore: If you insist on an unqualified withdrawal, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I shall make an unqualified withdrawal.

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