Page 5331 - Week 16 - Thursday, 28 November 1991

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However, what is proposed so cogently in paragraph one .is

almost contradicted in paragraph four with a number of

confused and incorrect arguments.

The third paragraph on that same page assumes there are no

victims, but in the first paragraph it has been clearly

stated that the prostitute is very much a victim. So too

can be her customers .

11. "In fact, most people, whatever their views on

prostitution specifically, do not support the enforcement

of moral values by criminal penalties" (1st sentence page


Again, it can be asked which moral values are being

referred to.

12. "The rights ,of all parties should be examined." (2nd

paragraph, page 8)

Certainly the rights of the general public should not be

overlooked. It could be questioned whether prostitutes

should be afforded status in society. Certainly their

. dignity and status as persons should be upheld, but their

status as prostitutes should hardly be promoted.

13. The last paragraph on page 8 examines the juxtaposition of

politics and morality: Surely the two areas are not as

far removed as the paper at times tries to suggest.

Morality .is about what we ought to do ("Conformity to the

rules of right conduct" Macquarie Dictionary). Politics

is about what we should do for the good of society.


The complexity of the questions, before the Select Committee is recognized. The Legislative Assembly is to be commended for its efforts to consult the members of the community inthis delicate area.

It is to be hoped that any future legislation will not, result in prostitution being more widely, and more openly conducted in Canberra. Certainly it would be most undesirable for street prostitution to become part of the life of Canberra.

Finally whatever can be done by way of welfare resources, and counselling should be made available to enable prostitutes to change their way of life if that is what they wish to do.

Patrick P. Power

30 January 1991



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