Page 5330 - Week 16 - Thursday, 28 November 1991

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4. "Whatever specific form of law reform is adopted, it would involve some sort of. state control, especially regarding the involvement of minors and the use of violence and coercion. It is relevant to view the law reform in the context of improving the,status of women." (page 2)

Certainly every effort must be made to eliminate the exploitation of minors. Attention should be given to the status of males involved in prostitution as well as that of women.

5. "The orthodox position in legal theory has for several centuries been liberal, allowing the individual to make his or her own moral decisions, provided these do not harm society."

Whether prostitution openly practised and seemingly permitted by the law is harmful to society is the very point in question. What is the possibility of harm to the prostitute and to the client especially in the context of spreading disease as well as undermining personal dignity? What is the impact on neighbours, people going about their own business, impressionable young people?

6. The first paragraph on page 3 stresses the importance of allowing women to escape from the shackles of prostitution. Particularly in these difficult economic times, it is not hard to imagine that some prostitutes could be almost forced to continue for fear of loss of. livelihood for themselves and their families.

7. To suggest as does the second paragraph on page 3 that prostitution should become more respectable would be a backward step. Seeing it as part of the hospitality industry is d railing both to potential visitors to Canberra and to he host city.

8. "It is apparent that the law reflects attitudes no longer held by the community and this obsolete legislation should be updated." (1st paragraph page 4)

Communities do not hold attitudes; people do. The people who make up the community hold a great variety of attitudes. It is not a ,question of whether a law is obsolete but whether it is a good law or a bad law.

9. "The majority of people do not support the enforcement of moral values by criminal penalties, whatever their view on the particular moral question." (last paragraph page 4)

Does that mean people have the right to steal, murder and rape without fear of penalty?

10. The first paragraph on page 7 is a very good one in that it clearly points up the exploitation of women as prostitutes. This can happen even more evidently when prostitution becomes respectable and an attractive career choice.



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