Page 5306 - Week 16 - Thursday, 28 November 1991

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Mr Collaery: The Assembly will not be sitting. You have five months.

MR DUBY: Just let me finish. As Mr Collaery has quite ably stated, there is a tradition throughout the Australian system concerning caretaker governments over, and adjacent to, election periods. For you to suggest that on 14 February, for example, you and your Executive, on the basis that you may win the election, can make decisions which will affect life in this Territory for some time to come, I find quite outrageous.

We had an example of this previously. If I remember correctly, a number of arrangements and appointments to various authorities and boards were made in the week preceding 5 December 1989. People's terms were extended and people were installed on boards and authorities when you knew perfectly well that your Government could not govern and would not govern after that date.

Ms Follett: You still said that you supported us. You were still supporting us.

MR DUBY: After that date.

Mr Berry: You still supported us right up to that point, liar. I withdraw that.

MR DUBY: Thank you for that withdrawal. The fact is that I know that a number of those appointments were made on 4 December when you were due to be in this Assembly the very next morning to be relieved of your position. That cannot be refuted. If I am not being accurate, I defy you to get up and say that I am not being accurate. You know that you did it. All of you know. Look at them, shamefaced about the issue. Yes, we worked with the people that you appointed to those various authorities and various boards. If you think we are going to be mugs enough to let you try to pull the wool over the people's eyes again, you have another think coming.

Mr Berry: You should get back on the bottle, Craig. You would do better.

MR DUBY: You tried it once and you got away with it. You are not going to get away with it again.

Mr Kaine: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, I would ask you to withdraw that, Mr Berry. Please stand when you are requested to withdraw.

Mr Berry: I withdraw that.

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