Page 5305 - Week 16 - Thursday, 28 November 1991

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MR DUBY: For you to say, Chief Minister, that the office will be open and operating in three weeks' time indicates to me that you personally have given some consideration to who is going to be in the position. I do not think you are being entirely truthful with us in this matter.

Ms Follett: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. Mr Duby made a statement which was unparliamentary, and I ask that he withdraw it.

MR SPEAKER: It was more a rhetorical question, but I ask you to withdraw, Mr Duby.

MR DUBY: I withdraw. It was meant in a rhetorical sense; I certainly was not implying anything about your truthfulness, Chief Minister.

Secondly, you have said, "This Government has never appointed someone whom other members of this Assembly would regard as unsuitable". Far be it from me to name individuals, but I am going to give one example of an appointment by your Government which was, frankly, outrageous. I refer to the appointment of the young lady to the ACT Milk Authority by your first Government. I believe that she was an 18-year-old college student. She was made a member of the Milk Authority on the basis that she was female and that she represented youth. The girl in question did a very creditable job, I must admit; but she was an inappropriate appointment to that authority.

Mrs Grassby: If she did a good job, she was not.

MR DUBY: She did her job to the best of her ability - that is what I said. I am giving you an example of someone - - -

Ms Follett: A former Minister is criticising a board member.

MR DUBY: I am criticising the appointment of that person to the board. You said, "Name an area where we acted irresponsibly". I regard that appointment as an example of where you acted irresponsibly. You have said that you have given the appointment of the commissioner no consideration, but the office will be operating in three weeks. I remember you saying also that there are no conventions governing a caretaker government in the ACT. "We govern until 15 February 1991," I believe you said.

Ms Follett: Until 1992; we do.

Mr Humphries: And beyond, she said.

MR DUBY: Well, that might well be. That is a matter for the people to decide. I have no problems with that. I find that attitude rather frightening because - - -

Ms Follett: Well, it is true.

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