Page 5300 - Week 16 - Thursday, 28 November 1991

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Question put:

That the remainder of the Bill be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 16  NOES, 1 

Mr Berry Mr Stevenson
Mr Collaery
Mr Connolly
Mr Duby
Ms Follett
Mrs Grassby
Mr Humphries
Mr Jensen
Mr Kaine
Dr Kinloch
Ms Maher
Mr Moore
Mrs Nolan
Mr Prowse
Mr Stefaniak
Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

Motion (by Mr Collaery), by leave, agreed to:

That clause 2 be reconsidered.

Clause 2

MR COLLAERY (6.09): I move:

Page 2, line 3, after subclause (3) add the following subclause:

(4) Section 108 of this Act shall not commence until the Chief Minister has appointed Ministers for the Territory pursuant to Section 41 of the Australian Capital Territory (Self Government) Act 1988 following the next general election for the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory.

Mr Speaker, clause 2 sets the dates for commencement of the Act generally and for aspects of it. I draw members' attention to clause 108 of the Bill, which provides for the appointment of a commissioner. I have asked the Chief Minister today whether she proposes to appoint a commissioner prior to the rising of the house, and her advice to me is that that is her business.

Ms Follett: So it is.

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