Page 5299 - Week 16 - Thursday, 28 November 1991

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MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (6.03): Clause 120 allows the joint arrangement for one-stop shops. There are similar arrangements between the Commonwealth and the States. In some cases the State people perform both the Commonwealth and the State functions. In other cases the Commonwealth people perform both the Commonwealth and the State functions.

Mr Stevenson displays a fundamental confusion. He seems to think that, in relation to an ACT matter arising under the ACT Act and involving an ACT complaint, the ACT commissioner might gain additional powers through the joint arrangement. That is not so at all. In respect of ACT complaints under the ACT Act, the ACT commissioner exercises his powers under the ACT Act. The ACT commissioner may, if there is an arrangement with the Commonwealth, also look at Commonwealth complaints arising under the Commonwealth Act and involving the Commonwealth powers. But that would otherwise happen with the Commonwealth commission.

It just means that one person can perform two functions with two separate sets of powers. It is a very sensible, practical arrangement to avoid duplication. I commend it to the Assembly in the knowledge that the States, conservative or Labor, have found it a sensible approach.

MR STEVENSON (6.04): Mr Speaker, I - - -

Mr Connolly: Whenever I explain, you jump up again.

MR STEVENSON: Whenever you explain! The point is that clause 120 says that the ACT Minister may make an arrangement with a Commonwealth Minister in relation to the performance by the ACT commissioner of any of the functions of the Commonwealth commission. If the functions of the Commonwealth commission are functions that we do not have, how on earth is it that that is not acquiring new functions or, more simply put, new powers?

Clauses agreed to.

Remainder of Bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

MR DUBY (6.05): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to move the amendment circulated by Mr Collaery relating to clause 123 - namely, after "V" insert "VA". Of course, this amendment is consequential on a previous amendment that was agreed to.

MR COLLAERY (6.06): Mr Speaker, I am indebted to Mr Duby for his assistance, but the Attorney's legal adviser tells me that that provision was not included on the updated sheet because, for technical reasons, it is superfluous. I will not proceed with that amendment.

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