Page 4054 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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Mr Berry: I raise a point of order. It seems to me that Ms Maher sought leave to move an amendment. She has not moved it and now Mr Duby speaks.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I think we have to vote on yours first, before she can.

Mr Duby: She introduced it without speaking to it.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: The only thing is, Mr Berry, that she wants to move an amendment to your amendment; but it is clearly not that, so we have to vote on your amendment first.

Mr Berry: Has it been moved? It has not been moved then.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, it has not. I do not think it has been moved yet, so we have to vote on yours first, then she moves hers.

Mr Kaine: She sought leave and then she moved it.

Ms Follett: She sought leave to move it, which we gave.

Ms Maher: I sought leave to move it.

Ms Follett: But she has not moved it.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: We have to vote on Mr Berry's amendment first, though; otherwise we end up with all sorts of complications.

Mr Duby: That is why I said that I would speak to both of these amendments.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I think the preferable thing would be to vote on Mr Berry's amendment and then continue with Ms Maher's. I think we have to vote on Mr Berry's first. If the house disposes of that, Ms Maher can then move hers and we can vote on that. We will vote on Mr Berry's amendment and then we can have further debate on Ms Maher's, if need be. We need to do that because hers is not an amendment to Mr Berry's motion.

Mr Duby: I thought I could speak to both.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: No. They are very different amendments; that is why.

Mr Duby: Let us vote on Mr Berry's.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: The question is: That Mr Berry's amendment be agreed to. Those of that opinion - - -

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