Page 4053 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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We have had an amendment put up by Mr Berry. I think it is far wiser simply just to vote against this censure motion and save censure motions for serious matters. When we get a serious matter where a Minister has deliberately misled the house and the evidence is clear, then I will certainly support such a censure motion. I do not think this does that.

MS MAHER (5.28): Mr Deputy Speaker, I seek leave to move an amendment to the motion and to delete the word "censures" and substitute "admonishes" - - -

Mr Stevenson: I raise a point of order.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: What is the point of order, Mr Stevenson?

Mr Stevenson: Ms Maher should just seek leave to make an amendment, first of all.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: She has. She is doing that.

Ms Follett: She has not been granted leave, though, Mr Deputy Speaker.

Mr Moore: She is seeking leave to tell us what she wants to do.

Mr Collaery: She has not finished her seeking of leave.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Yes. What are you wanting to do? You might as well tell us that, Ms Maher.

MS MAHER: I seek leave to move an amendment to the motion.

Leave granted.

MS MAHER: I move to delete the word "censures" and substitute "admonishes", and also to delete the words "misleading the Assembly in". If I can get that - - -

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: If you hand that up, it can be photocopied and circulated to members.

MR DUBY (5.29): Mr Deputy Speaker, I would like to speak to both of the amendments. I think the first amendment that has been circulated by Mr Berry hardly warrants any debate at all. I think most members of the Assembly have recognised that fact in not addressing any of the issues that he has raised in that supposed amendment, which turns it into a song of praise for the Government. Throughout this whole debate about the censuring of Mr Connolly - - -

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