Page 4021 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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Mr Moore: I take a further point of order. I am quite happy to give Mr Duby leave to proceed with the censure motion. I am not happy, and I have some doubts here, about giving Mr Duby leave to use the draft Hansard as though it were the actual Hansard. We have a bind there, of course.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, as I explained, there is no editing of the Hansard of the Estimates Committee; so what we have is what will be.

Mr Moore: I am sure that it is possible for a small section of Hansard that comes up for debate to actually go through an editing process, should it be necessary, or for the Estimates Committee to handle this particular question in the first instance, and then come back to the motion of censure.

Mr Duby: Whilst I acknowledge the point raised by Mr Moore, it should be pointed out that further on in my speech I will be saying that today Mr Connolly has acknowledged that he has reviewed what he stated to the Estimates Committee and he has agreed already that this is a true and accurate record of what he stated to the Estimates Committee. There can be no doubt whatsoever that what I have read out is a true and accurate record. Mr Connolly admitted in today's question time that he has reviewed his evidence to the committee and he has concurred that the evidence that was quoted to him on Thursday was indeed an accurate reflection of what he said to the committee.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, I would support your point of view, Mr Duby, inasmuch as Mr Connolly can present his argument for or against that statement you made. Please proceed.

MR DUBY: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Having covered that Mr Connolly quite unequivocally announced to the Estimates Committee a certain line of action, I point out that Mr Connolly was subsequently asked on Thursday by Ms Maher questions about whether, first of all, there were going to be reductions in the licensing related functions of the children's day care services section, a drop in ASO levels of some two persons.

Mr Connolly, I must admit, first says in his response, "Yes, I believe that is going to happen". Then, realising perhaps that he should not be answering yea or nay to any question, as is par for the course for this Government, he waffled on a little bit. But basically, at the end of the day, he has accepted that there is a reduction in staff numbers in his response to this - - -

Mr Connolly: No, I have never said that.

Mr Moore: I take a point of order. We have Mr Duby now saying things that Mr Connolly said. We have Mr Connolly over here interjecting and saying, "No, that is not what I said at all".

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