Page 4020 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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Let the record show that this censure motion stems from a question that was put to Mr Connolly by the chairman of the Estimates Committee during Mr Connolly's hearings with that body. The particular question that was put to Mr Connolly by the chairman was this:

And in the budget papers on page 133, you refer to 80 new child care places being established. Will there be any changes in the number of staff employed in licensing related functions in the children's day care services section in 1991-92?

Mr Connolly's response was:

No, no. And indeed, in all administrative areas, more efficiencies are being sought throughout the service.

He was then further asked by the chairman:

So you are confident that you will be able to establish and license and supervise those additional 80 new child care places with the same staff you already have at the moment; is that correct?

Mr Connolly replied:


Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. I would like a clarification. I understand that last week you indicated quite clearly that using the draft Hansard of the Estimates Committee was an inappropriate thing to do. I understand that because the draft Hansard is just that, draft Hansard, and therefore it raises some difficulties. You now appear to be allowing Mr Duby to read from the draft Hansard. I am wondering whether you are going to keep a consistent position on this and what that position will be.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, I have been worrying about the same issue. I will point out that the Hansard of the Estimates Committee is only a draft. It is not edited; so there will be no improvement on what you have now.

Mr Kaine: I thought Mr Duby was reading from the transcript of the Legislative Assembly of 17 October.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, he was reading from the transcript. I am in a bind here because, really, all of this information should be left to the Estimates Committee to present to the Assembly. However, as Mr Duby has been given unanimous leave to proceed, I think I should rule that he be allowed to do so.

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