Page 3992 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Yes, I would ask both of you, under the circumstances, to withdraw it and let us get on with the debate.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, I will rise to my feet very quickly. I have no intention of withdrawing what I said in relation to the consultation policy which was endorsed by the former Government.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I will withdraw it; but Mr Berry carries on as usual. His behaviour should be noted for the record.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I will take cognisance of the fact that you were prepared to debate the issue with respect to withdrawal. I will review the Hansard to see exactly what you said. Please proceed.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, I should also put on the record that, during the course of the issue being discussed, Mr Humphries called out, "If the cap fits, wear it". That itself is an imputation that there is some dishonesty. Rather than labour the matter, I will pass over it; but it is just a matter for the record.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, please draw your answer to an end.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, the staff of our hospital system know that Labor have not misled them. Labor have made it clear to hospital staff that the hospital system was left in a damaged state by the Alliance Government. They know that there are very serious issues which have to be addressed. They also know and understand that Labor will observe proper consultation processes as we work towards resolving the difficulties within our hospital system. So far, Mr Speaker, we have moved quickly to set up a consultation process which will accommodate the presentation of the views of the unions that represent health workers, as we move to repair the damage done to our hospital system.

Hospital workers know and understand that, regrettably, Labor has been forced to consider a reduction in some job areas, some of which, I should say, are related to the former Government's policies. But they also know and understand that Labor is committed to the provision of a quality, affordable, accessible public hospital system - something quite contrary to the commitment of the former Government. Therefore, Mr Speaker, to say that Labor is misleading its staff is an absolute outrage, and it ought to be withdrawn.

MR KAINE: I ask a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Mr Berry, you said that you were unhappy about these things. Can I now assume that you were unhappy because you could not criticise the maximum costs of the redevelopment because you knew that you had to go about reducing jobs if

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