Page 3991 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 October 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Please proceed to the answer, Mr Berry?

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, the people who have misled not only the staff of the ACT hospital system but also the people of the ACT have been the Liberal members, in the way that they have dealt with the provision of hospital services in the Territory. I know that they are sensitive about this, and they have good reason to be. When I came to office and conducted that urgently needed review of the public hospital system, it became clear to me that the Liberal members had something to be embarrassed about.

This is particularly relevant in relation to the question that Mr Kaine has asked. They had made sure that the consultation process which had been observed in the redevelopment phase of our hospital system was, in my view, dishonest because it had failed to consult staff at the contemplative stage.

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: Will this dishonest Minister answer the question.

Mr Connolly: On a point of order - - -

Mr Kaine: He used the word. It was acceptable then, and I am throwing it back in his face. He is a dishonest Minister. Will he please answer the question.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, I would ask you to address the question as quickly as you possibly can.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I require that the word "dishonest" be withdrawn.

Mr Kaine: He had better withdraw it first, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, I would ask you both to withdraw it, if you would not mind. I think it is inappropriate to use this language.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, "the dishonest approach to consultation" is an accurate description.

Mr Kaine: If you do not withdraw it, I do not withdraw it; it is as simple as that.

Mr Connolly: On a point of order: I was actually on the point of order, and I assumed that you were calling Mr Kaine to order, appropriately. Mr Berry was referring to a dishonest policy - a broad, generic attack. Mr Kaine made a direct ad hominem attack on Mr Berry. He called him a "dishonest Minister".

Mr Humphries: If the shoe fits, wear it.

Mr Connolly: That surely is reducing the level of invective in this house to an inappropriate level. I would ask you to ask Mr Kaine to use a more appropriate form of language.

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