Page 3966 - Week 13 - Thursday, 17 October 1991

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The addition of "A member of the staff of the Tribunal is subject to the directions of the President in the exercise of a power or the performance of a duty or function under or in relation to this Act" clarifies that issue. It makes it quite clear that, whilst the public servants are made available by the head of administration, they are responsible and subject to the directions of the president, as it should be, and accordingly allays the fears of the community.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Remainder of Bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

Amendment (by Mr Stefaniak) proposed:

Page 32, line 24, clause 75(b), omit "Community Advocate", substitute "Public Trustee".

MR COLLAERY (4.39): This is the moment of passage for the Bill and I would like to make a couple of comments. Firstly, I would like to thank the Attorney for making himself and his staff available to assist with all of these amendments sought by the community groups and requested of Mr Stefaniak. The way in which Mr Stefaniak has attended to the requests of the community is creditable.

I was pleased to participate in the requests for this amendment to clause 75 - to make the comments relevant - and all the other amendments. I believe that this has been a cooperative effort. It has been done swiftly. I thank the government law officers, in particular Mr Brendan Bailey, for his swift, prompt and generous advice. It was always proper; never on policy, always on law. I am sure Mr Stefaniak shares my views.

MR STEFANIAK (4.40): Yes, I certainly do. I thanked them yesterday. I would reiterate the thanks to the government law officers, especially, I think, Mr John Clifford, who drafted these matters, and also Mr Brendan Bailey, who is even in attendance here today, putting a few final finishing touches to this Bill. I thank the government law officers, the counsel and other members.

MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (4.40): I was going to rise on the final call of the Bill to do the thanks, but the thanks have been done for me. I certainly appreciate the way in which opposition members, Mr Collaery and Mr Stefaniak, have cooperated with officers of the Law Office. They have been named and are present here today.

The Government met with community groups some weeks ago and agreed that we would look very carefully at amendments. As a result of those discussions we were coming up with a slate of amendments. Mr Bailey then spent some hours going

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