Page 3459 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 18 September 1991

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MR BERRY: It is a bit hard. There are a few galahs on the fence over there.

Mr Jensen: Answer the question.

MR BERRY: Which question is that, Norm? I think it is Mr Humphries who is asking the question. Having gone through that process of analysing the former Government's position, I now turn to another of the issues which were raised by Mr Humphries in relation to bed numbers. The keynote, Mr Speaker - - -

Mr Jensen: Mr Speaker, I take a point of order under standing order 118(a) and (b). Answers to questions should be concise and confined to the subject matter and should not debate the subject. That is all we have had for the last half-hour.

MR SPEAKER: I call Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: I find this appalling.

Mr Stefaniak: You are not Robinson Crusoe.

Mr Humphries: What a hypocrite!

MR BERRY: This is a very serious issue and I think it has to be dealt with in detail. Mr Humphries will tolerate no less.

Ms Follett: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. Mr Humphries interjected to Mr Berry, "What a hypocrite!". I think we have had previous rulings that that should be withdrawn. I would ask that you rule that way again.

Mr Humphries: I withdraw; but I ask Mr Berry to answer the question. How many bed numbers? How many beds are going to go?

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, will you draw that to a conclusion?

MR BERRY: I will. I have some significant notes on the subject. The keynote of the budget is increased efficiency. We are pursuing a disciplined approach to financial management while protecting Labor's fundamental commitment to social justice.

Mr Humphries: The number of beds! Mr Speaker, he is abusing the institution of question time.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Humphries, I was hopeful that Mr Berry was going to give you the answer you had asked for. Mr Berry, if you cannot answer the question - - -

MR BERRY: I can answer the question, Mr Speaker, but not in the way Mr Humphries wants me to. The health budget - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! I ask the Minister to resume his seat.

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