Page 3458 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 18 September 1991

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All these things were not addressed properly by the Alliance Government, a government which had a fixation with the reduction in services and a handover of public hospital services to the private sector. We do not have that. We do not have that tunnel vision. We have a - - -

Mr Humphries: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. The question was rather more explicit than what Mr Berry is giving us in the way of an answer. It was, I think, answered some time ago. I ask him to finish his answer so that I can ask my supplementary question.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I ask you to draw to a close, please.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, I will conclude by saying that there is no question in the mind of anybody who is watching the ACT Legislative Assembly that Labor will produce a better result for the people of the ACT. It has made it clear that it has the philosophical commitment to do so, contrasting starkly, of course, with our political opponents opposite, and we are on track. This budget is part of the process. There is no doubt that this will require some tough management decisions, but this Assembly now has a government that is prepared to take those tough decisions. However, we will take them against a background of a commitment to social justice.

MR HUMPHRIES: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. I thank Mr Berry for his longwinded admission that this Government is engaging in exactly the same process that he accused the former Government of engaging in. I also note his comment today that a bit of tricky planning will be required to make sure that bed numbers can be cut. I ask the Minister to indicate clearly to the Assembly, given his on-track approach and his tough decisions, exactly how many beds are going to be cut from the ACT public hospital system.

MR BERRY: The first thing I would like to refute is Mr Humphries' suggestion that this Government has made an admission that it is continuing on the same path as the former Government. That is patently untrue. This Government is about producing better services for the people of the ACT, not worse ones. That is the stark contrast which I think everybody is aware of. In relation to Mr Humphries' question, I think we have to analyse the way that the former Government treated the public hospital system.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. This man is utilising half of question time. It is quite improper. It is a breach of the rules, specifically standing order 118(a). I ask that you put an end to it so that the rest of us can ask a question.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Collaery. Mr Berry, I would ask you to draw to a conclusion, please.

Mr Humphries: How many beds are you cutting?

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