Page 3255 - Week 11 - Thursday, 12 September 1991

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"Although an announcement had been made by the former Government regarding the proposed consultative committee on domestic violence, the committee had not been established". I offer that in good faith.

Mr Duby: You said that the Alliance Government had done nothing about domestic violence.

MS FOLLETT: No, I did not.

MR SPEAKER: Order! This is again a situation where you accuse someone.

Ms Maher: Mr Speaker, I will withdraw, in that I consider that Ms Follett has been given the wrong information.

MR SPEAKER: Well, that is the way it always works. I wish you would understand that. That applies to all members.

Ms Maher: I will take it up later.

MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, I might say that I think Ms Maher might have been given the wrong information on this matter. Mr Speaker, might I add to that statement that I have a quote from Ms Maher's own press release of 12 September, which says:

Despite the Government's announcement of the review, Ms Maher will go ahead with the first meeting of the Domestic Violence Consultative Committee to be held next month.

Now, what more can I say?

Mr Collaery: That is 1990.

MS FOLLETT: This is your press release, Ms Maher.

Ms Maher: I agree with you. I have no problems with that.

MS FOLLETT: This year.

Ms Maher: It is today.


Ms Maher: Yes.

MS FOLLETT: Anyway, Mr Speaker, I am happy to answer Mr Collaery's question at this point. Mr Collaery's question related generally to what I had done about domestic violence and I am now about to inform him. Mr Speaker, there was a forum held recently on domestic violence. It was conducted by the Women's Consultative Council. At that forum there were grave concerns raised that the law was not being administered in the way that had been intended by the domestic violence legislation. So, what I have done is to ask the Community Law Reform Committee to review the

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