Page 3254 - Week 11 - Thursday, 12 September 1991

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Mr Duby: That is an outright lie.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Ms Maher, I would ask you to withdraw that.

Ms Maher: It is misinformation.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Unparliamentary language is not acceptable.

Mr Kaine: If the Chief Minister makes a statement that is patently untrue, then it is true to call it a lie.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: That is absolutely outrageous.

MR SPEAKER: It may need to be raised as a substantive issue. You cannot just call across the floor in unparliamentary language.

Mr Collaery: We are talking about a highly emotive subject, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: I understand that, and you can control your language to suit.

Mr Collaery: It was gross provocation.

MR SPEAKER: Regardless of whether there was provocation, I ask Ms Maher to withdraw the statement.

Ms Maher: I withdraw "lie" and say that she has misled the house.

MR SPEAKER: I ask to have that as an unqualified withdrawal. If you wish to proceed further with the issue, you can raise it as a substantive issue.

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. She has to withdraw "misleading the house".

Ms Maher: I withdraw "lie"; I withdraw "she has misled the house"; and I will say that she has told an untruth.

MR SPEAKER: All members should understand that if there is something that has to be debated it should be debated in a formal manner. You cannot take the conclusion to yourself that that happened. We have rules of debate and that is one of them. Ms Maher, I ask for an unqualified withdrawal. If you wish to proceed with the matter further, raise it as a formal issue.

Ms Maher: No, I am not withdrawing.

MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, if it would assist the house, I am happy to advise Ms Maher of the formal advice I have, and I will read it. It is formal advice to me from my officers regarding the matter that she has alluded to and it says:

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