Page 2422 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 6 August 1991

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MS FOLLETT: My apologies, Mr Speaker. I move:

That the Assembly -

(1) notes -

(a) that on 30 July 1991 the Chief Minister, on behalf of the Australian Capital Territory, signed an Agreement between the Commonwealth, the States and the Territory relating to the establishment of a co-operative scheme to improve road safety and transport efficiency and reduce the cost of administration of road transport;

(b) that the Agreement envisages that, with the consent of the Australian Capital Territory, the Commonwealth will seek to enact Commonwealth Road Transport Legislation for the Australian Capital Territory which law will be the model on which the pertinent law of the States will be based.

(2) consents to the making, by the Commonwealth, of a law for the Australian Capital Territory which is necessary to give effect to the Agreement.

Mr Kaine: I am not sure that that clarifies it, Mr Speaker. The Treasurer did indicate that she was moving the motion that has to do with the Commonwealth legislation, but I am suggesting - - -

MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, can I also move to take note of the paper? Can I move both of those motions?

MR SPEAKER: We will have to do them one at a time, basically. The motion that was circulated in your name, I understand, relates to national heavy vehicle regulation. That is the one we are speaking to at the moment, Mr Kaine; so would you like to adjourn that debate.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, perhaps I can just take a point of order so that I do not disturb orderly debate. As I said, it seems to me that the Chief Minister's statement and the communique from the Special Premiers Conference both contain a great deal of rather weighty material which, I think, some members of the Assembly might want to go into a little more deeply, and I would like to move that the debate on those two documents be adjourned. The motion in connection with regulation, I agree, is an important matter that we should proceed to debate now, if that is the will of the Assembly. I will reserve my comments on that until I know whether it is the intention of the Assembly to go ahead with the debate now.

MR SPEAKER: I would assume that it was intended to go ahead with that debate on regulation at this time.

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