Page 2421 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 6 August 1991

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Mr Speaker, I seek leave, on that note, to move the motion which has been circulated in relation to the statement.

Leave granted.

MS FOLLETT: I thank members. I will be very brief in speaking to the motion because I do not think it comes as news to members. Members, I think we should be aware here that in voting on this motion we are in fact taking part in a national reform process. It is a very important process. It is a process which has real benefits for other States and for the ACT. The benefits would, of course, come by way of much greater regulation and much fairer charging in relation to heavy road transport use. I am aware that all of the States except the Northern Territory approved of this reform package. Members should be aware of that largely bipartisan support for it.

Mr Speaker, I would be the last person in the world ever to depart from a position of supporting strenuously the sovereignty of the Australian Capital Territory. On the surface this invitation to the Commonwealth to legislate on our behalf would be such a departure. But I think that, in view of our quite unique position in relation to the Constitution and the fact that we have been called upon by all the States party to this agreement to take this course of action, it might be appropriate for the Assembly to put aside issues of sovereignty and instead to put in their place the issue of a much needed national reform. Mr Speaker, I commend the motion to the Assembly. I know that the Attorney-General, Mr Connolly, will be speaking to this issue and will outline the legal framework in which I am asking the Assembly to operate.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I am not clear. I do not think that the Chief Minister moved any kind of motion, in connection with either her statement or the document that she has tabled. I think that both of them have a great deal of substance which perhaps the Assembly ought to have an opportunity to debate after consideration. If she has moved that they be noted, then I move that the debate on those two matters be adjourned.

MR SPEAKER: I will clarify that. The Chief Minister did in fact seek leave but did not move the motion. I was going to catch up on that, but thank you for your advice. Chief Minister, would you clarify that and move the motion. Then we can go back to Mr Kaine.

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