Page 2371 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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MR JENSEN (9.21): Yes. I have already spoken once. I presume that I have a right of reply. If I speak to the amendment, that is it.

I need to make only a couple of brief comments. If my amendment is not carried today, this standing order proposed by you, Mr Deputy Speaker, will decide the position of this Assembly. It will not be done by a vote of the Assembly, as required by subsection 18(2) of the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act. I think it is appropriate, as Mr Duby has already indicated, that where there is doubt in relation to this matter there should be some request for advice from an appropriate eminent legal authority to make sure that there is not a problem with this in the future.

If my amendment is not carried tonight, the position of Leader of the Opposition will be decided in the ballot-box or, as has recently happened, in the party room of a political party or group, not on the floor of the Assembly. That is how the occupant of the position of Leader of the Opposition will be decided. I think it is important to put that point of view on the record just to make sure that we know what we are doing if we support the motion and not my amendment.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Jensen, in fact you did not have a right of reply as the mover of an amendment, not the substantive motion. Just for the record, would you politely seek leave to make the statement you have just made?

MR JENSEN: I am terribly sorry, Mr Deputy Speaker. I seek leave.

Leave granted.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: The question now is: That the amendment be agreed to.

Mr Duby: Mr Deputy Speaker, I have not spoken to the amendment. I spoke to the motion for the suspension of standing orders - - -

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Duby, as you spoke after the amendment was moved, that is taken to be a speech on the amendment. You may seek leave, Mr Duby.

MR DUBY (Leader of the Opposition): I seek leave to make a short explanation, Mr Deputy Speaker, because undoubtedly there will be catcalls of derision.

Leave granted.

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