Page 2370 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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I also endorse the view of Dr Kinloch that Mr Prowse, as Speaker, should abstain from this. Mr Prowse is bringing the position of Speaker into disrepute by participating in this farce. I also think the Speaker needs to review, in an impartial fashion, whether this act is or is not legal. That, I think, is something that will be taken up in the future.

All in all, this is a sad and sorry day. The Liberal Party have turned out and demonstrated themselves to be absolute wimps. Because they have lost the game, they now have to go and change the rules; and they have to change the rules with the connivance and the dishonest support of the Labor Party.

Mr Connolly: I take a point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker. Dishonest support?

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I think you should withdraw the word "dishonest". That has been held to be unparliamentary before, Mr Duby.

Mr Stevenson: I thought it was honest support. They made no joke about it. They were quite open in their support.

MR DUBY: You are dead right, Mr Stevenson. I do withdraw. I will say that it is honest support, because they are all quite gleeful about what they are achieving here. The long and short of it - I am sure that the media and the newspapers will pick up this fact - is that the Government, this minority Government, is now electing the leader of its own opposition. There is no question that that is the case. It is absolutely outrageous that such a thing should happen. In my view it is immoral. It is immoral for a party, a group of people who like to take the high ground on so many lines, to do this. I know what the people of Canberra will think of this action. To me it is an absolute fraud that they can participate in this sham of a government electing a leader of the opposition.

Mr Berry: I think he should be directed to withdraw "fraud".

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will just look at that. Yes, perhaps you should withdraw the word "fraud". "Fraudulent" has been held to be unparliamentary before, Mr Duby.

MR DUBY: Well, what is appropriate? I withdraw the word "fraud". Perhaps we can find another term to put in its place - sham and scandalous behaviour.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Yes, thank you; that is fine.

Mr Jensen, are you speaking to your amendment?

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