Page 2359 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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MR PROWSE: The note reads:


Democracy is being subverted here.

May I give you a personal warning. There will be those in front of you who will be watching to see if the Speaker, symbol of the House, will vote on this issue. Party before principle!!? Can you stand down to speak on this one?

I took that as a warning, re the - - -

Mr Moore: Whom is it signed by?

MR PROWSE: It is signed, "Hector". Is everyone happy?

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Moore, if you withdraw your motion, we can get on with the substantive motion.

Mr Moore: I seek leave to withdraw that motion, Mr Deputy Speaker.

Leave granted.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.

Mr Moore: I point out that we still have a matter of privilege outstanding. Mr Prowse has put a slur on all members of the Assembly by saying that he has been under threat previously from some other member. I believe that it is appropriate that he name the person. I seek leave to move that that person be named, or that he have leave to do it.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: You have to put it in writing.

Mr Collaery: Mr Deputy Speaker - - -

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Just a second, Mr Collaery. Mr Moore, have a look at standing order 71. If you raise a matter of privilege, you have to give written notice of the alleged breach to the Speaker as soon as reasonably practicable after the matter has come to your attention. It has to be in writing. The question now is - - -

Mr Moore: Mr Deputy Speaker, I think the situation would be clarified if Mr Prowse would name the member.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Prowse, to my knowledge, has named a member. He has referred to a document and that is - - -

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