Page 2358 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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Mr Moore: He did. He quoted from it.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: That relates to quoting from documents; you may order that that be presented. The only documents that he was quoting from were actually his notes on the table. Do you wish those to be tabled?

Mr Collaery: Mr Deputy Speaker, I ask that you view the notes that Mr Prowse has on the table, to see whether there is a note from a member.

MR PROWSE, by leave: Mr Deputy Speaker, I will personally hand the speaking notes that are scribbled here to Mr Collaery and anybody else. They do not name the name; they do not have the specific name to hand and I did not go into detail. I did not quote from the specific note that was handed to me, nor did I intend to. If you force the issue, I will present it.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, members! I will make a ruling on that request by Mr Moore. Under standing order 213, it is only a document that a person refers to, and specifically refers to, and that is quoted from. You can talk about some other document. If that is not in his possession and if he does not read from it, that cannot be presented. The only documents that can be tendered are, in fact, the documents that he refers to. That is what that standing order means.

Mr Berry: Mr Deputy Speaker, it seems to me that what has been raised by the Speaker is, prima facie, a breach of privilege, and a very serious one. It ought to be referred to the Administration and Procedures Committee for determination, or he should name the name.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will take advice on that.

Mr Prowse: Mr Deputy Speaker, I will - - -

Mr Berry: I am not talking about you breaching privilege. I am talking about these people here. You are the victim.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Just a second, Mr Prowse.

Mr Prowse: I am going to go and get my note.

Mr Kaine: I think you would do well to take the advice of the Deputy Speaker at this stage.

MR PROWSE: Mr Deputy Speaker, I seek leave to read the note.

Leave granted.

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