Page 2289 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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Mr Speaker, I present the following paper:

Government - Direction - Ministerial statement, 21 June 1991.

I move:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

Motion (by Mr Duby) proposed:

That the debate be now adjourned.

MR SPEAKER: The question is: That the debate be adjourned and the resumption of the debate be made an order of the day for the next sitting.

Mr Duby: I beg your pardon, Mr Speaker. It was my impression that the debate was going to be adjourned, but it appears that other members of the Opposition wish to speak to it.

MR SPEAKER: Before we proceed, you will need to seek leave to withdraw your motion.

MR DUBY: I seek leave to withdraw my motion, Mr Speaker.

Leave granted.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.

MR KAINE (4.15): I appreciate Mr Duby giving me the opportunity to make some comments on the Chief Minister's statement which, of course, I have only listened to. I have not had time to analyse it. There are some things that she has said today that, I think, are deserving of some quick comment. And, of course, in the light of having read the statement and analysed it in some detail, others will no doubt want to comment further.

I would first like to comment on the statement that the Chief Minister has made in terms of the comedy of errors and the regard in which this Assembly is held. Mr Speaker, it has been a matter of some concern and regret to me, and I know to other members of this Assembly who were seriously concerned about creating a proper Legislative Assembly for this Territory, that it has, at times, degenerated to the point where other people have seen this as a comedy of errors and a farce.

It has been no comedy of errors, and there has been no farce for those of us who have worked hard for the past 2 years to achieve something for the people of this Territory. We have done it on the floor of the house. We have done it in attending forums like the Premiers Conference and ministerial council meetings. We have done it in terms of work on the committees of this Assembly. It has been hard work. Most of us, Mr Speaker, have done that

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