Page 2288 - Week 08 - Friday, 21 June 1991

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We all saw the outcry against some of the Alliance's proposals. The earliest objectives for the planning and land use legislation were set by my Government in 1989. It is fundamental that all sectors of the ACT community be given equal opportunity to have an effective voice in how our city is planned and developed and to ensure that our unique environment is fully protected. These and other objectives, including the creation of appropriate opportunities for appeals against administrative decisions, the need to protect our heritage, including our Aboriginal heritage, the need for reasonable timetables for decision making, and support for initiatives to promote private sector employment, will form the basis for my Government's review of the draft legislation.

In short, we need to be confident that the community's views and aspirations are reflected in the legislation in a balanced way. The finalisation and introduction of the planning and land use legislation into the Assembly will be a high priority. The Government will decide quickly about the remainder of its legislative program. Our objective will be to ensure stability and continuity in essential legislation for the good government of the Territory.

We must ensure that the best use is made of the resources already expended on the development of essential legislation, either introduced into the Assembly by the Alliance but not passed, or for which drafting is complete or is in preparation. In any case, worthwhile legislative proposals introduced by the previous Government deserve to be recognised and should not be allowed to lapse. I am conscious that the community has expressed considerable interest in some of the initiatives proposed and will appreciate speedy resolution of those issues.

While it is obviously necessary to review such legislation to ensure that it properly meets the needs of our community - and this is being done now - I expect that in many cases the Labor Government will have no objection to the legislation, or will want to see only minor changes. Indeed, some of the draft laws under review were, in fact, a product of initiatives taken during the first ACT Labor Government. This fundamental review will be a priority for the Ministers over the coming weeks.

So, in summary, my Government recognises the challenges that it faces, and will work as a team to meet those challenges. In doing so, it will listen to the community, it will speak to the community and it will be guided by the principles of social justice. It will provide stable government up to the election scheduled for next February - providing, of course, that it is the wish of other Assembly members that the election is, indeed, held next February. We will show that the Canberra community can have confidence in its Government. It is my belief that our Labor Government will be better for Canberra.

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