Page 2236 - Week 07 - Thursday, 6 June 1991

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Chief Minister, it has been an honour to serve you.

Mr Kaine: It has been fun while it has lasted.

MR DUBY: It has been a real honour to serve you. The same goes for my government colleagues, including Mr Humphries, of course, who has been badly dealt with by some members opposite. Nevertheless, I know for a fact that Mr Humphries is a man of integrity and he is a very capable person. By removing Trevor Kaine from this position, in my view the Territory is suffering a great loss. To my other colleagues in government, both present and former, I say thank you very much for a most enjoyable time.

MR SPEAKER: As this motion, under standing order 81, must be carried by an absolute majority, I propose to call a vote.

The bells being rung -

Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, all members are present, with the exception of Mr Stevenson, who clearly intends to abstain. I think the vote should be taken.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you for your observation, Mr Duby. Is it the will of the Assembly to get on with the vote? There being no objection, that course will be followed.

Question put:

That the motion (Ms Follett's) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -


Mr Berry Mr Duby
Mr Collaery Mr Humphries
Mr Connolly Mr Kaine
Ms Follett Ms Maher
Mrs Grassby Mrs Nolan
Mr Jensen Mr Prowse
Dr Kinloch Mr Stefaniak
Mr Moore
Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the affirmative, by an absolute majority.

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