Page 2235 - Week 07 - Thursday, 6 June 1991

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Silly me; if only I had thought that through, Chief Minister. You know what I would have recommended, because I have been reasonably effective, I think, in maintaining relationships between the Liberal Party and the Residents Rally. It never occurred to me that a simple matter like that, particularly after we already had a verbal resignation, would lead to this; but that is where we are. I think that what we are going to see - and I cannot see any other alternative, although undoubtedly there are other alternatives - is a Follett Labor administration in this Territory for the next seven months. Good luck to you, because you are going to need it.

Mr Kaine: That is as long as Bernard supports you, but wait for it.

MR DUBY: Hang on, now. We can only stand these things once every six months or so. I think you are going to be in power, clearly, I would imagine, between now and the next election, which I assume is going to be in February. Good luck to you. You are going to need it, because the situation that the Territory faces is a disastrous one. We are facing an absolutely astronomical position in terms of the financial arrangements that this Territory and its citizens have to live under.

Whatever the Residents Rally has achieved by putting you in place I do not know. Its members have clearly thought it through and they have decided that that is the way that they are going to go. So be it. I must admit that I have given up trying to work out what goes on in the minds of not only the three members but also the executive of this party that is not a party.

The only other thing I need to say is that we conducted a sweep on the fifth floor today and I have a funny feeling that out of the 23 - - -

Mr Collaery: Who is the chook?

MR DUBY: I do not know who the chook is; but, Bernard, I certainly know who the turkey is. The bottom line is, strangely enough, that I have a funny feeling that at the end of the day, Chief Minister, out of the 23 combinations of numbers - and I have the $23 here - there is not going to be a winning combination. It was not taken into account. Given those circumstances, I think it is safe to say that the $23 will now be donated to the Salvation Army appeal.

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