Page 2156 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 29 May 1991

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tabling those proposals, with every intention myself of voting against them, and knowing that Mr Collaery and Mr Jensen would vote against them. All three of us knew that that would mean the end of the Rally relationship with the Alliance Government. That we had already determined on Tuesday.

Mr Collaery, Mr Jensen and I, had we been given an opportunity to do so, would have voted to disallow those plans, had they been tabled. Indeed, I was looking forward to doing so. So, do not try to tell us that we were not in the business of saving the school sites. I assure you that we were. I have no doubt whatever about it. I certainly do not welcome or accept the term "dishonourable" that has been used. It is absolute nonsense. I have no hesitation at all, no qualms whatsoever, in welcoming the situation in which it is now clear that there is a viable future for the five schools and school sites. That gives me very great joy.

I can assure you that Bernard Collaery has the support of Norm Jensen and me. He has been through a very difficult time. We are now relieved that we are on the cross benches together. From there we will continue to do our duty honourably by the people of the ACT.

I want to say this with no sense at all of recrimination about remarks made around the house, whether by the Liberal Party or by the ALP. I would say to the Liberal Party that the biggest crunch time today is for them. There was a time when I thought the Liberal Party represented a range of people in the ACT, all kinds of people. Increasingly, and I only have to look at the recent election of their office bearers, it seems to me that they now represent a very narrow group. That narrow group is what drives them in matter after matter.

I do not believe that the five elected here all believe that. I think there may even be a coming majority which will oppose the direction of the Liberal Party executive. I hope that will be true. I do ask that they see that this is a crunch time for them. Are they going to be a party that represents the narrow interests of the developers or are they going to be the broad party that they once were, the party that certainly I honoured when Mr Menzies was the head of it?

The three of us, then, will support what should be supported; we will oppose what should be opposed; and we will act independently.

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