Page 2155 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 29 May 1991

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On Tuesday morning the three of us met for a very long, sometimes interrupted meeting, looking one by one at the proposed variations. Norm Jensen, in particular, had extremely detailed notes and comments about all sorts of things - drainage, townhouses, forests. He had a very careful analysis of each of those sites. At that time, on Tuesday morning, we agreed to disagree with every one of the five school site proposals.

What has led to the action of today is that we have said to the Liberal Party, "You are developers incorporated, ACT incorporated, and we are standing against that".

Mr Moore: What about the schools that have actually closed, Hector?

DR KINLOCH: Mr Collaery immediately prepared his long, detailed letter to the Chief Minister.

Mr Moore: Hector, you still voted to close those schools.

DR KINLOCH: Michael, did I interrupt you once during your speech?

Mr Moore: It is healthy parliamentary debate.


DR KINLOCH: Mr Speaker, I now ask for standing order 61 to be applied.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Dr Kinloch. Please proceed.

DR KINLOCH: I will repeat some of the things I have already said in case people, through their interjections, were not getting the full flavour of it. Mr Collaery and Mr Jensen have done much homework on those school sites and I wish to report on what I know, at first hand, about the Rally in this matter. On Tuesday morning the three of us met for a very long, sometimes interrupted meeting, looking one by one at the proposed variations, and we had from Norm Jensen very detailed comments - proposals about drainage, townhouses, and a whole range of things - which clearly showed that the instructions or whatever that had been received by the Planning Authority had, unfortunately, overlooked many matters. At that time, at that meeting, we agreed to disagree with every one of the five school site proposals.

Mr Collaery immediately prepared his long, detailed letter to the Chief Minister, point by point by point. I do not know the final length of that letter, but we had many, many points on each of those sites demonstrating the folly of those planning proposals.

Seventhly, I arrived here today assuming that the Alliance Government, by majority vote in their joint party room - I obviously was not knowledgeable about that - would be

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